Prepare for Laser Hair Removal
Pre-Laser Hair Removal Instructions:
- Avoid intense sun exposure for 6 weeks to prevent tanning.
- Postpone laser sessions in case of skin inflammation such as sunburn or presence of wounds.
- It is preferable to shave the hair using a razor blade 24 hours before the laser session. However, refrain from using hair removal creams or waxing two weeks before the laser treatment.
- Avoid using retinoid creams for two weeks.
Post-Laser Hair Removal Instructions:
- Some redness is normal; cold compresses can be applied.
- Skin moisturizers are recommended.
- Avoid intense sun exposure for 3 days, and preferably use a high SPF sunscreen (30 or higher) for two weeks.
- Avoid saunas, Moroccan baths, and retinol creams for 3 days.