Acne: Causes and Treatment
Many patients suffer from Acne. patients aged 11-25 are affected in around 75% of cases. However, acne may continue to appear in the 30s and 40s. The formation of Acne 1) Increases secretion of sebaceous glands: The increased secretion of sebaceous glands
Treatment of Sensitive skin
Understanding sensitive skin How is our skin protected? The most important way to protect the body and skin from external factors is the number of cells and thickness of the skin layer and other skin components such as sweat glands, sebaceous glands,
Prevention of Dryness & Eczema
Eczema is a sort of allergy with skin itchiness. It is more common in children & usually improves with age. Prevention is mainly though: Do not take too long, too frequent, or too hot showers. Warm showers are better than hot
Prevention & Treatment of WrinkleSmoking & Wrinkle Treatments and Ways of Preventions
Prevention & Treatment of Wrinkles (Arabic Video) Smoking and Wrinkle Treatment: Exploring the Connections The Link Between Smoking and Skin Wrinkles Smoking is a well-known cause of wrinkles. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals that can affect your skin and cause wrinkles,
Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments
Hair Loss And What Can Be Done To Prevent It Causes of Hair Loss Hair loss is a common condition that affects many people and can have many different causes. Genetics: Hair loss can be caused by genetics, which means if your parents
Foods that Cause Acne: What to Eat and Avoid
Are There Types of Foods that Cause Acne Breakouts Acne is a common skin condition that can have a variety of causes. This section discusses the foods that cause acne breakouts and how to avoid them. While there are many factors
Smoking & Skin Aging
How does smoking adversely affect skin Health & Aging? There are internal factors (such as genetics) and external factors (e.g. smoking - pollution - tension) that affects skin health. Smoking has been shown to have a detrimental effect on the blood circulation,
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe During Summer?
Is laser hair removal safe during summer? Doctor Hussien Ghanem has the answer for you Laser Hair Removal during summer Laser hair removal is a common procedure that people go through to remove unwanted hair. You might think that the summer months
Laser hair removal complications
The most important complications of laser hair removal, where we should be take precautions to avoid, are the occurrence of superficial burns or pigmentation or removal of the tattoos. Definitely, the patient and every person in the room should wear laser
When is Laser Hair Removal not effective?
When does laser hair removal fail? Laser hair removal is one of the most successful therapeutic measures, and wide-spread led to lowering its prices to a degree that made it accessible to many ladies, but in rare cases patients do not